Monday, November 1, 2010

Gardening and Bake Sale

Over the past few weeks a few of us have been out to the Community Food Security garden plot to harvest, plant, and eventually close down the plot... there are still a few tomatoes and swiss chard, so if any of you care to check it out and see what's left, help yourselves!

Here are some pictures of the plot and our harvesting... this was the day we planted arugula, tore down the dying pole beans, and harvested peppers, tomatoes, and chard.

ALSO... Here are a few pictures from our Crop Walk bake sale over Homecoming weekend. We raised a total of $500 over 3 1/2 hour sale, plus another $250 in individual fundraising, giving our club a total of $750! Amazing...
25% of this goes directly to the State College Food Bank, and the rest of it will go to our designated charity, Heifer International.

Setting up outside the corner room!
A satisfied customer... and the most entertaining of the night

Fight Hunger (and your hangover!)

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Neal and I went to the garden today and picked a ton of swiss chard... sauteed it with garlic and eggplant (also from our plot) - DELICIOUS.